AutoDock-SS: AutoDock for Multiconformational Ligand-based Virtual Screening πŸ”—
Ni, B., Wang, H., Khalaf, H. K. S., Blay, V. & Houston, D. R., 13 May 2024
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 64, 9, p. 3779-3789 11 p.
Revealing the Indispensable Role of the RFamide Functionality using a Novel Acid Labile Benzofuranone based Amine (ALBA) Linker πŸ”—
Mudd, G., Hendrikse, M., Shave, S., Houston, D. R., Millar, R. P. & Auer, M., 15 Apr 2024
Helvetica Chimica Acta. 107, 4, 7 p., e202300204.


From Intuition to AI: Evolution of Small Molecule Representations in Drug Discovery πŸ”—
McGibbon, M., Shave, S., Dong, J., Gao, Y., Houston, D. R., Xie, J., Yang, Y., Schwaller, P. & Blay, V., 29 Nov 2023
Briefings in bioinformatics. 25, 1, 13 p., bbad422.
OpenFEPOPS: A Python implementation of the FEPOPS molecular similarity technique πŸ”—
Chen, Y-K., Houston, D. R., Auer, M. & Shave, S., 9 Nov 2023
The Journal of Open Source Software. 8, 91, 5 p., 5763.


Comparison of ATP-binding pockets and discovery of homologous recombination Inhibitors πŸ”—
Blay, V., Gailiunaite, S., Lee, C-Y., Chang, H-Y., Hupp, T., Houston, D. R. & Chi, P., 15 Sept 2022
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. 74, 116923.
SCORCH: Improving structure-based virtual screening with machine learning classifiers, data augmentation, and uncertainty estimation πŸ”—
McGibbon, M., Money-Kyrle, S., Blay, V. & Houston, D. R., 25 Jul 2022
Journal of Advanced Research.
Evidence that nuclear receptors are related to terpene synthases πŸ”—
Houston, D. R., Hanna, J., Lathe, J. C., Hillier, S. & Lathe, R., 14 Mar 2022
Journal of molecular endocrinology. p. 153-166
A 5-FU precursor designed to evade anabolic and catabolic drug pathways and activated by Pd chemistry in vitro and in vivo πŸ”—
Adam, C., Bray, T., Perez-Lopez, A., Tan, E. H., Rubio Ruiz, B., Baillache, D., Houston, D. R., Salji, M. J., Leung, H. Y. & Unciti-Broceta, A., 13 Jan 2022
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 65, 1, p. 552-561


Modelling of Hepatitis E virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase genotype 3 from a chronic patient and in silico interaction analysis by molecular docking with Ribavirin πŸ”—
Cancela, F., Rendon Marin, S., Quintero-Gil, C., Houston, D. R., Gumbis, G., Panzera, Y., Arbiza, J., Mirazo, S. & PΓ©rez, R., 3 Dec 2021
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics.
Bypassing the requirement for aminoacyl-tRNA by a cyclodipeptide synthase enzyme πŸ”—
Harding, C. J., Sutherland, E., Hanna, J. G., Houston, D. R. & Czekster, C. M., 15 Jan 2021
RSC Chemical Biology. 11 p.


PRL3-DDX21 transcriptional control of endolysosomal genes restricts melanocyte stem cell differentiation πŸ”—
Johansson, J., Marie, K. L., Lu, Y., Brombin, A., Santoriello, C., Zeng, Z., Zich, J., Gautier, P., von Kriegsheim, A., Brunsdon, H., Wheeler, A. P., Dreger, M., Houston, D. R., Dooley, C. M., Sims, A. H., Busch-Nentwich, E. M., Zon, L. I., Illingworth, R. & Patton, E. E., 10 Aug 2020
Developmental Cell. 54, 3, p. 317-332.E9 16 p.
Recognition dynamics of cancer mutations on the ERp57-Tapasin interface πŸ”—
Padariya, M., Kalathiya, U., Houston, D. R. & Alfaro, J. A., 20 Mar 2020
Cancers. 12, 3, 20 p.


Insights into the effects of cancer associated mutations at the UPF2 and ATP binding sites of NMD master regulator: UPF1 πŸ”—
Kalathiya, U., Padariya, M., Pawlicka, K., Verma, C. S., Houston, D., Hupp, T. & Alfaro, J. A., 11 Nov 2019
Design of drug-like hepsin inhibitors against prostate cancer and kidney stones πŸ”—
Blay, V., Houston, D., Li, M. C., P. Ho, S., Stoller, M. L., Hsieh, H-P. & Houston, D., 28 Sept 2019
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 10, 7, p. 1309-1320
Lamin A molecular compression and sliding as mechanisms behind nucleoskeleton elasticity πŸ”—
Makarov, A. A., Zou, J., Houston, D. R., Spanos, C., Solovyova, A. S., Cardenal-Peralta, C., Rappsilber, J. & Schirmer, E. C., 11 Jul 2019
Nature Communications. 10, 1, 17 p., 3056.
An inter-subunit protein-peptide interface that stabilizes the specific activity and oligomerization of the AAA+ chaperone Reptin πŸ”—
Coufalova, D., Remnant, L., Hernychova, L., Muller, P., Healy, A., Kannan, S., Vojtesek, B., Westwood, N., Verma, C. S., Vojtesek, B., Hupp, T. R. & Houston, D. R., 15 May 2019
Journal of proteomics. 199, p. 89-101 13 p.
Intrinsic lipid binding activity of ATG16L1 supports efficient membrane anchoring and autophagy πŸ”—
Dudley, L. J., G Cabodevilla, A., Makar, A. N., Sztacho, M., Michelberger, T., Marsh, J. A., Houston, D. R., Martens, S., Jiang, X. & Gammoh, N., 2 May 2019
EMBO Journal. 38, 9, 16 p., e100554.
Oligopeptide signaling through TbGPR89 drives Trypanosome Quorum sensing πŸ”—
Rojas, F., Silvester, E., Young, J., Milne, R., Tettey, M., Houston, D. R., Walkinshaw, M. D., PΓ©rez-Pi, I., Auer, M., Denton, H., Smith, T. K., Thompson, J. & Matthews, K. R., 10 Jan 2019
Cell. 176, 1-2, p. 306-317.e16 28 p.


ALDH1 bio-activates nifuroxazide to eradicate ALDHHigh melanoma-initiating cells πŸ”—
Sarvi, S., Crispin, R., Lu, Y., Zeng, L., Hurley, T. D., Houston, D. R., von Kriegsheim, A., Chen, C-H., Mochly-Rosen, D., Ranzani, M., Mathers, M. E., Xu, X., Xu, W., Adams, D. J., Carragher, N. O., Fujita, M., Schuchter, L., Unciti-Broceta, A., Brunton, V. G. & Patton, E. E., 20 Dec 2018
Cell Chemical Biology. 25, 12, p. 1456-1469.e6 20 p.
Demonstration of the Anthelmintic Potency of Marimastat in the Heligmosomoides Polygyrus Rodent Modeling πŸ”—
Robertson, E., Harcus, Y., Johnston, C. J. C., Page, A. P., Walkinshaw, M. D., Maizels, R. M. & Houston, D., 1 Dec 2018
The journal of parasitology. 104, 6, p. 705-709 5 p.
Fatty-acylation target sequence in the ligand-binding domain of vertebrate steroid receptors demarcates evolution from estrogen-related receptors πŸ”—
Lathe, R. & Houston, D., Nov 2018, In: Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 184, p. 20-28 9 p.,
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 184, p. 20-28 9 p.
Development of potent inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinases by ligand-based drug design and target-biased phenotypic screening πŸ”—
Myers, S., Temps, C., Houston, D., Brunton, V. G. & Unciti-Broceta, A., 21 Feb 2018
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 61, 5, p. 2104-2110 7 p.


Mono-substituted Hydrocarbon Diastereomer Combinations Reveal Stapled Peptides with High Structural Fidelity πŸ”—
Mcwhinnie, F. S., Sepp, K., Wilson, C., Kunath, T., Hupp, T. R., Baker, T. S., Houston, D. R. & Hulme, A. N., 21 Dec 2017
Chemistry - A European Journal.


Inhibitors of leishmania mexicana phosphoglycerate mutase identified by virtual screening and verified by inhibition studies πŸ”—
Fuad, F. A. A., Houston, D. R., Michels, P. A. M., Fothergill-Gilmore, L. A. & Walkinshaw, M. D., 1 Jul 2016
Journal Sains Malaysiana. 45, 7, p. 1113-1120 8 p.
Rapid Discovery and Structure-Activity Relationships of Pyrazolopyrimidines that Potently Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Growth via SRC Kinase Inhibition with Exceptional Selectivity over ABL Kinase πŸ”—
Fraser, C., Dawson, J. C., Dowling, R., Houston, D. R., Weiss, J. T., Munro, A. F., Muir, M., Harrington, L., Webster, S. P., Frame, M. C., Brunton, V. G., Patton, E. E., Carragher, N. O. & Unciti-Broceta, A., 26 May 2016
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
Novel triazolothiadiazines act as potent anticancer agents in liver cancer cells through Akt and ASK-1 proteins πŸ”—
Aytaç, P. S., Durmaz, I., Houston, D. R., Çetin-Atalay, R. & Tozkoparan, B., 15 Feb 2016
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. 24, 4, p. 858-872 15 p.


Identification and activity of inhibitors of the essential nematode-specific metalloprotease DPY-31 πŸ”—
France, D. J., Stepek, G., Houston, D. R., Williams, L., McCormack, G., Walkinshaw, M. D. & Page, A. P., 15 Dec 2015
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 25, 24, p. 5752-5755 4 p.
Hetero-trans-Ξ²-glucanase, an enzyme unique to Equisetum plants, functionalises cellulose πŸ”—
Simmons, T. J., Mohler, K. E., Holland, C., Goubet, F., FrankovΓ‘, L., Houston, D. R., Hudson, A. D., Meulewaeter, F. & Fry, S. C., 1 Sept 2015
The Plant Journal. 83, 5, p. 753-769 17 p.
Inhibition of the ERCC1-XPF structure-specific endonuclease to overcome cancer chemoresistance πŸ”—
McNeil, E. M., Astell, K. R., Ritchie, A-M., Shave, S., Houston, D. R., Bakrania, P., Jones, H. M., Khurana, P., Wallace, C., Chapman, T., Wear, M. A., Walkinshaw, M. D., Saxty, B. & Melton, D. W., Jul 2015
DNA Repair. 31, p. 19-28 10 p.
Development of a novel ligand that modulates the protein-protein interactions of the AAA+ superfamily oncoprotein reptin πŸ”—
Healy, A. R., Houston, D. R., Remnant, L., Huart, A. S., Brychtova, V., Maslon, M. M., Meers, O., Muller, P., Krejci, A., Blackburn, E. A., Vojtesek, B., Hernychova, L., Walkinshaw, M. D., Westwood, N. J. & Hupp, T. R., 1 May 2015
Chemical Science. 6, 5, p. 3109-3116 8 p.
Structure- and ligand-based virtual screening identifies new scaffolds for inhibitors of the oncoprotein MDM2 πŸ”—
Houston, D. R., Yen, L. H., Pettit, S. & Walkinshaw, M. D., 17 Apr 2015
PLoS ONE. 10, 4, e0121424.
UFSRAT: Ultra-fast shape recognition with atom types -The discovery of novel bioactive small molecular scaffolds for FKBP12 and 11Ξ²HSD1 πŸ”—
Shave, S., Blackburn, E. A., Adie, J., Houston, D. R., Auer, M., Webster, S. P., Taylor, P. & Walkinshaw, M. D., 6 Feb 2015
PLoS ONE. 10, 2, p. e0116570
Structural Basis for the Inverted Repeat Preferences of mariner Transposases πŸ”—
Trubitsyna, M., Grey, H., Houston, D., Finnegan, D. & Richardson, J., 2015
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 290, 21, p. 13531-13540


Artemisinin resistance in rodent malaria - mutation in the AP2 adaptor ΞΌ-chain suggests involvement of endocytosis and membrane protein trafficking πŸ”—
Henriques, G., Martinelli, A., Rodrigues, L., Modrzynska, K., Fawcett, R., Houston, D. R., Borges, S. T., d'Alessandro, U., Tinto, H., Karema, C., Hunt, P. & Cravo, P., 2013
Malaria Journal. 12, 118
Consensus Docking: Improving the Reliability of Docking in a Virtual Screening Context πŸ”—
Houston, D. R. & Walkinshaw, M. D., 2013
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 53, 2, p. 384-390 7 p.


Raf1 Is a DCAF for the Rik1 DDB1-Like Protein and Has Separable Roles in siRNA Generation and Chromatin Modification πŸ”—
Buscaino, A., White, S. A., Houston, D. R., Lejeune, E., Simmer, F., de Lima Alves, F., Diyora, P. T., Urano, T., Bayne, E., Rappsilber, J. & Allshire, R. C., Feb 2012
PLoS Genetics. 8, 2, e1002499.


Crystal Structures of Antibiotic-Bound Complexes of Aminoglycoside 2β€²β€²-Phosphotransferase IVa Highlight the Diversity in Substrate Binding Modes among Aminoglycoside Kinases πŸ”—
Shi, K., Houston, D. R. & Berghuis, A. M., Jul 2011
Biochemistry. 50, 28, p. 6237-6244 8 p.


Identification and characterization of a protein-tyrosine phosphatase in Leishmania: Involvement in virulence πŸ”—
Nascimento, M., Zhang, W. W., Ghosh, A., Houston, D. R., Berghuis, A. M., Olivier, M. & Matlashewski, G.,, 24 Nov 2006
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281, 47, p. 36257-36268 12 p.


Crystal structure and binding properties of the Serratia marcescens chitin-binding protein CBP21 πŸ”—
Vaaje-Kolstad, G., Houston, D. R., Riemen, A. H. K., Eijsink, V. G. H. & Van Aalten, D. M. F.,, 25 Mar 2005
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280, 12, p. 11313-11319 7 p.
Specificity and affinity of natural product cyclopentapeptide inhibitors against A. fumigatus, human, and bacterial chitinases πŸ”—
Rao, F. V., Houston, D. R., Boot, R. G., Aerts, J. M. F. G., Hodkinson, M., Adams, D. J., Shiomi, K., Omura, S. & Van Aalten, D. M. F.,, 1 Jan 2005
Chemistry and Biology. 12, 1, p. 65-76 12 p.


Structure-based exploration of cyclic dipeptide chitinase inhibitors πŸ”—
Houston, D. R., Synstad, B., Eijsink, V. G. H., Stark, M. J. R., Eggleston, I. M. & Van Aalten, D. M. F.,, 4 Nov 2004
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 47, 23, p. 5713-5720 8 p.
Interactions of a Family 18 Chitinase with the Designed Inhibitor HM508 and Its Degradation Product, Chitobiono-Ξ΄-lactone πŸ”—
Vaaje-Kolstad, G., Vasella, A., Peter, M. G., Netter, C., Houston, D. R., Westereng, B., Synstad, B., Eijsink, V. G. H. & Van Aalten, D. M. F.,, 30 Jan 2004
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279, 5, p. 3612-3619 8 p.
Structure of the D142N mutant of the family 18 chitinase ChiB from Serratia marcescens and its complex with allosamidin πŸ”—
Vaaje-Kolstad, G., Houston, D. R., Rao, F. V., Peter, M. G., Synstad, B., Van Aalten, D. M. F. & Eijsink, V. G. H.,, 14 Jan 2004
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics. 1696, 1, p. 103-111 9 p. Research output: Contribution to journal β€Ί Article β€Ί peer-review


Structure and ligand-induced conformational change of the 39-kDa glycoprotein from human articular chondrocytes πŸ”—
Houston, D. R., Recklies, A. D., Krupa, J. C. & Van Aalten, D. M. F.,, 8 Aug 2003
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278, 32, p. 30206-30212 7 p.
Crystal structures of allosamidin derivatives in complex with human macrophage chitinase πŸ”—
Rao, F. V., Houston, D. R., Boot, R. G., Aerts, J. M. F. G., Sakuda, S. & Van Aalten, D. M. F.,, 30 May 2003
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278, 22, p. 20110-20116 7 p.


The cyclic dipeptide CI-4 [cyclo-(L-Arg-D-Pro)] inhibits family 18 chitinases by structural mimicry of a reaction intermediate πŸ”—
Houston, D. R., Eggleston, I., Synstad, B., Eijsink, V. G. H. & Van Aalten, D. M. F.,, 15 Nov 2002
Biochemical Journal. 368, 1, p. 23-27 5 p.
Structure of human chitotriosidase: Implications for specific inhibitor design and function of mammalian chitinase-like lectins πŸ”—
Fusetti, F., Von Moeller, H., Houston, D., Rozeboom, H. J., Dijkstra, B. W., Boot, R. G., Aerts, J. M. F. G. & Van Aalten, D. M. F., 12 Jul 2002
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277, 28, p. 25537-25544 8 p.
High-resolution structures of a chitinase complexed with natural product cyclopentapeptide inhibitors: Mimicry of carbohydrate substrate πŸ”—
Houston, D. R., Shiomi, K., Arai, N., Omura, S., Peter, M. G., Turberg, A., Synstad, B., Eijsink, V. G. H. & Van Aalten, D. M. F., 9 Jul 2002
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 99, 14, p. 9127-9132 6 p.